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BEhaviour consultations 

A behaviour consultation is necessary when your dog has developed problems that are more serious than those that can be resolved with basic training, as there may be underlying reasons as to why your dog behaves the way he does.  Some examples include showing aggression towards people and/or other dogs, biting, separation anxiety, excessive barking, dogs that won't leave the house, obsessive displays such as chasing shadows or tail chasing, destructive behaviour, fearful traits, and even self-harming (this list is not exhaustive!)

The consultation is designed so that I can meet you and your dog at your home in order to gain vital background information; details about your dog's history, how you live your life together day to day, and the specific nature of the issue you face with your dog.  In addition, I will also assess your dog's behaviour and will make observations of your interactions with each other.  This will all assist me in identifying specific triggers, enabling me to determine an appropriate programme to help you rectify your dog's behaviour.

Dog's paw print
Dog's paw print
Dog's paw print
Dog's paw print
Dog's paw print

Joyful Paws offers a follow-up session free of charge, along with written confirmation of the advice offered, plus on-going support via telephone and email.  However, although the impression one gets from televised programmes about dog training is that behaviour issues are miraculously 'cured' within the hour the programme lasts for, in reality they can often take quite some time to resolve depending on the nature of the trauma, which requires consistency and patience on the part of the owner. 


If this is the case with your dog, then regular weekly training sessions are recommended thereafter so that progress can be monitored, and adjustments to the behaviour modification programme can be made as and when necessary.  In any case, you will see improvements in your dog's behaviour within the first week following the consultation.

IMPORTANT: In cases of a 'sudden' onset of certain behaviour issues, e.g. aggression, soiling, a consultation with your vet is advised to rule out any possible medical condition.

Dog's paw print
Dog's paw print

serious issues with your dog?  joyful paws will help you to resolve them

On-going support available to all clients

dangerous dogs act 1991

Another important point to consider is the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991; these days, any dog can be seized under Section 3 if it is deemed to be 'dangerously out of control in a public place'.


It is therefore prudent for owners to ensure that their dogs are not put at risk, and the best way to avoid hefty court fines or worse still, a prison sentence, is to make sure they are well-trained, sociable dogs so as not to be a nuisance to the public at large.

So don't delay; call Joyful Paws NOW on 07963 255365 or email

Trail marks on a walk
Trail marks on a walk
Chihuahua dog baring teeth
Dog's paw print

  © 2018 ~ Joyful Paws                                                                                                             Website designed by Joy Harrison with Web Builder

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